This power station was then supplying a considerable amount of power to the London underground railway system. The power station was originally built between 1902 and 1905 and had four chimneys, later reduced to two. The plant that we saw in 1994 dated from a reconstruction from 1963 to 1969. This new plant consisted of six boilers and six turboalternators of 22-30 MW. The latter were by C A Parson & Co Ltd of Heaton Works, Newcastle upon Tyne. This shows one set with the alternator to the left and the two cylinder turbine to the right. The foreground clutter includes the regenerative feed heaters that use bleed steam to heat the boiler feed water. Regenerative feed heating improves the thermodynamic efficiency and lowers the fuel bill. Although the plant was from the late 1960s it was more in keeping with a 1930s power station in terms of size of unit.
TQ2677 : Lots road Power Station – turboalternator