On coming out of North Greenwich station, one soon gets a view of the Dome which houses the O2 Arena. I have taken the subject reference to be the cylindrical tower in front of the main structure, this is in this gridsquare (TQ3979) while most of the Dome itself is in the square to the north.
The Dome was originally designed by the architect Richard Rogers and was completed in 1999 ready to house the following year’s ill-fated Millennium Experience exhibition.
The Dome contains several references to Greenwich’s links with time keeping; It has 12 Masts supporting the PTFE/Glass Fibre tent (12 months in a year); The dome canopy rises to 52m (weeks in a year); The perimeter of the dome is 365m (days in a year). For more information on the Dome, see [[[2332002]]]
TQ3979 : The Dome from near North Greenwich LUL Station