TQ5977 : Procter & Gamble soap factory, seen from St Clement’s Churchyard, West Thurrock

St Clement’s Church, West Thurrock has been on this site since before the Norman Conquest. A fuller history can be seen at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Clement%27s_Church,_West_Thurrock

The church was made redundant in the 1970s and care of it and its churchyard, which is now a designated wildlife area, was taken over by Procter & Gamble in 1987 on a 99 year lease to celebrate the firm’s 150th anniversary. Restoration was completed three years later.

In this photograph, Procter & Gamble’s soap factory can be seen behind. The funeral scene in Four Weddings and a Funeral was filmed here. There are no houses anywhere near and it is just factories and industry although the Thames is about 200 yards away. The church is Grade I Listed. It is gratifying to see that the church is well looked after and has a lively congregation. The church’s website can be seen at http://www.stclementwthurrock.co.uk/